Religious Education

At Greatham CE Primary School, the RE curriculum is designed to enable the children to gain knowledge and understanding of the beliefs and practices of religious and non-religious worldviews, so that they can live and work together with people with very different views from themselves. We want the children to develop greater respect and empathy for others.

Greatham’s Curriculum for RE (in line with the Hartlepool Agreed Syllabus) aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Develop deepening knowledge and understanding about a range of religious and non-religious worldviews so that they can:
    • describe and explain beliefs and theological concepts;
    • describe and explain some sources of authority and teachings within and across religious and non-religious traditions;
    • describe and explain ways in which beliefs are expressed;
    • know and understand the significance and impact of beliefs and practices on individuals, communities and societies;
    • connect these together into a coherent framework of beliefs and practices.
  • Gain and deploy deepening knowledge and understanding of specialist vocabulary and terms.
  • Develop deepening knowledge and understanding about religious diversity within the region, as well as nationally and globally.
  • Develop deepening knowledge and understanding about how religion can be defined and what is meant by the term ‘religious and non-religious worldviews’ and with increasing clarity know that these worldviews are complex, diverse and plural.
  • Gain and deploy skills that enable critical thinking and enquiry in relation to the material they study.
  • Have opportunities for personal reflection about their own thoughts, feelings, experiences, ideas, values and beliefs with increasing discernment.
Hartlepool Agreed Syllabus