Maths at Greatham Primary School aims to develop students’ mathematical confidence which will help students build a positive relationship with maths allowing them to become more resilient learners. The mastery maths journey we are embarking on provides and supports an ambitious, knowledge-rich curriculum supporting a broad, balanced and secure approach to the teaching of mathematics. Teaching is supported by “The Big 5 Ideas” where teachers use coherence, representation and structure, mathematical thinking, fluency and both conceptual and procedural variation to ensure effective learning.
We recognise that Mathematics is essential in our pupils’ everyday lives, stimulating experiences that pupils are likely to encounter in later life, be it employment focused or day-to-day tasks. Regular learning and practise are recognised as essential in order to develop a rapid recall of number facts, efficiency in procedures and a deepened knowledge of mathematical concepts. We aim to ensure that our pupils:
Working together at Greatham enables our teaching to have a passionate and relentless drive to continually improve outcomes. We follow the 2014 National Curriculum for Mathematics. This ensures that pupils:
Teaching is underpinned by methodological curriculum design, with units of work that focus in depth on topics. Lessons and resources are crafted carefully to foster deep conceptual and procedural knowledge. Teachers draw from a range of high-quality resources such as White Rose Maths schemes, Maths No Problem, Gareth Metcalf and NCETM to expose children to a variety of fluency, reasoning and problem-solving opportunities. Concrete, pictorial and abstract approaches are used to develop conceptual understanding. Teachers make clear links to real-life contexts to further broaden children’s ability to apply their mathematical knowledge. The EYFS early learning goals also include problem solving. Providing a range of puzzles and other problems helps pupils to reason strategically to:
Maths lessons are structured using a ‘Talk, Practise, Problem Solve’ approach to support mastery teaching. Daily timetabled sessions are allocated for teaching and practise of retrieval, time tables recall and mastery teaching:
Teaching in order to raise the profile of Times Table knowledge is clear in year groups to ensure the children have met the curriculum objectives by the end of Year Four. To support the children with their multiplication practice, children access ‘Times Table Rockstars’ as an online learning platform which also offer resources to be used in the classroom.
Same day interventions at Greatham support pupils and staff in:
Children are assessed on a termly basis followed by a gap analysis. Any gaps in learning identified by teachers are addressed as a priority.
The intended impact of our curriculum is that children build and develop detailed mathematical knowledge, allowing them to have an all-encompassing understanding of maths in the world around them. We aim to equip children with the confidence and skills needed to tackle reasoning and problem-solving tasks as well as an enthusiasm in discussing their learning and their experience of maths.
Additional Information
Greatham work closely with the Archimedes Maths Hub in the Primary Mastery Development Programme. All staff are provided with ongoing CPD to ensure the latest and most relevant training is provided to support our mastery teaching.
Websites to support maths:
Click below to download the end of year maths expectations for each year group with tips on how to help your child at home.